There are times in everyone’s life where challenges appear (are?) overwhelming. Even with the most optimistic of attitudes and the best plan the world has to offer, there are times when the glass just keeps overflowing. To help us make sense of our environment we often rely on friends, immerse ourselves in hobbies, collections and books - or simply pray.
I remember some time ago a good friend and colleague telling me: “This too shall all come to pass.” It was 1995 and employees of the Ontario Public Service were completing their year of “Rae Days” to enter a period of “Commons Sense Revolution”: a plan to downsize the Ontario Public Service to a new set of fiscal numbers. Well, it did pass.
I took the opportunity to relocate and try my luck at a few short term assignments to find myself in the end, quite happily self-employed. Although this period of change was incredibly difficult, I did find myself to be where I should have been all along – and yes, more challenges continue to spark me to this day.
I do hope that my children will look at challenges as a bridge to safe passage and not as a ridge between plans and results. We sometimes are either way too pragmatic or way too dramatic in our way of managing challenges and forget that in the end it’s all about getting ready for the next one.
I remember some time ago a good friend and colleague telling me: “This too shall all come to pass.” It was 1995 and employees of the Ontario Public Service were completing their year of “Rae Days” to enter a period of “Commons Sense Revolution”: a plan to downsize the Ontario Public Service to a new set of fiscal numbers. Well, it did pass.
I took the opportunity to relocate and try my luck at a few short term assignments to find myself in the end, quite happily self-employed. Although this period of change was incredibly difficult, I did find myself to be where I should have been all along – and yes, more challenges continue to spark me to this day.
I do hope that my children will look at challenges as a bridge to safe passage and not as a ridge between plans and results. We sometimes are either way too pragmatic or way too dramatic in our way of managing challenges and forget that in the end it’s all about getting ready for the next one.