After having spent two full months in Canada, I am preparing for my 5th work assignment in Rwanda to provide support with several reform projects in HR. Bags are packed and travel details confirmed. I should find myself in Amsterdam on the 15th and at work in the capital city of Kigali by the 16th.
Rwanda is a landlocked developing country in central Africa east of the Central Democratic Republic of Congo, south of Uganda, west of Tanzania and north of Burundi. With a surface area of 26,338 sq km Rwanda is about half the size of Nova Scotia (Canada’s second smallest province) which sits at 55,490 sq km. The population in Rwanda is 7.8 M about 7 times greater than in Nova Scotia.
Rwanda is recovering from a civil war and genocide in which at least 800,000 people were killed, leaving 95,000 children orphaned. The country is now working to rebuild its economic and social infrastructure.
To read more about Rwanda visit:
1 comment:
Great website !.. I love the layout!
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