Packaging the Machinery
The training function within a civil service at any level of government can be a complex machinery. For example let us look at training delivery mechanisms. There are centre-of-government institutions dedicated to training and education; ministries or departments with their own specialized training programs; institutions with training mandates at the sub-national level as well as elaborate multi-partnerships with educational institutions, associations and the private sector. Yes, governance and delivery models abound.
So, when asked by clients, especially in developing countries, to conduct training needs assessments, develop training strategies or create new training programs effort is made to consolidate and understand the training “machinery” of government. This helps build standardization and compliance while hopefully strengthening what works best within this machinery.
Here are its three main components:
1. Policy development: training legislation, policy framework, content of policy, policy making process, governance and delegation of authority.
2. Policy implementation: extent of the “training” practice within government, systems, processes and tools to implement within and across institutions.
3. Policy evaluation: accountability framework, approach to risk assessment, monitoring and evaluation and continuous improvement.
Photo: Government of Laos, Vientiane, Laos 03.05
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