Friday, October 17, 2008

The Fourth Estate

Journalism is said to be a critical component of a “civil society” – a term used to distinguish societies which allow for collective action around shared interests, purposes and values without threat, intimidation or retribution. Contributing to this emancipation of a society are institutions such as the Kabul University. The Faculty of Journalism (14 faculties in total) is one of the oldest at the Kabul University. Next year, it will be celebrating its 45th anniversary. Other journalism and communication departments exist at Balkh University, in northern Afghanistan, and Herat University in the western part of the country.

To summarize, we are provided with 3 newspapers written in English in Kabul:

The Kabul Times: established in 1962, was the first English language printed newspaper in Afghanistan. One of the stories in Thursday’s paper includes an announcement that Dr. Abdul Latif Jalali, one of the country’s greatest journalist, died at the age of 81 on October 13th. He was a lecturer at the Kabul University, worked on National Radio and TV as newscaster and political analyst, all in Afghanistan.

The Daily Afghanistan is the first independent English newspaper throughout the history of Afghanistan, published from Kabul and available for 10 Afs. (.25 cents CAN). The circulation of this paper is 7000 and it is distributed to 32 (out of a total of 34) provinces in Afghanistan. It is also published in Dari – a language spoken mostly in Kabul and in northern provinces and Pashto, a language spoken mostly in southern provinces. Dr. Hussain Ali Yasa is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief.

The Afghanistan Times provides Afghan World News from a comprehensive international network of journalists. The editor, Mr. Ali Ahmad Pasoon produces the only coloured newspaper in Afghanistan containing local, provincial, sector and international news and events. Thursday’s paper highlighted everything from the Global Hand Washing Day events to protect people from diarrhea and pneumonia to a seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islamic Thought to overcome the violence of war years and make a “peaceful sphere”.

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