Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Daily Regimen of Vitamins

Organizations require a high quality, simple, low cost daily regimen of vitamins to inject stamina and sparkle throughout. Here is a recommended cocktail to be administered daily by leaders:

Vitamin A: Acknowledge good work. Always be on the lookout for the person with the behaviour that will boost performance and improve morale if repeated frequently. Although performance appraisals and reward ceremonies serve organizations well, feedback is always most effective when provided immediately following a praiseworthy performance.

Vitamin B: Bare it. Good governance calls for transparency. Take time in the day to uncover information that will help someone better understand a business decision. This will help people curb their cravings for rumours while sharpening their appetite for authenticity.

Vitamin C: Communicate. Central to a healthy organization is communication: a two-way vertical and horizontal dialogue that creates role models driven by the dictum "Don't trust us, track us." Doing something daily that motivates people to communicate with honesty and follow through will build trusting relationships and yield positive results for the organization.

Vitamin D: Develop. Cultivating a capacity for sustainability allows us to persist and improve – especially during periods of great change. Seizing opportunities throughout the day to share know-how and experience with employees, clients and stakeholders will sow seeds of confidence, innovation and strength.

Vitamin E : Evaluate. At least once a day, ask why. It provides an opportunity for introspection, assessment and ultimately incites change for improved performance.

Photo: Shopkeeper of dry goods in Afghanistan 2005

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