Thankfully, we can always count on a daily consumption of digitalization to help balance things off. Whether it is to lose weight, stop smoking, read more, exercise more or smile more – there is a website, a .pdf, a text buddy, a software, a CD, an audio book that can assess our situation, follow our progress, send us encouraging emails, link us to folks who care and even find us other honourable intentions if we run out. While personal change tends to stretch out our sense of time, digitalization shrinks it. Time often has no end in the evening when trying to avoid the chips in the cupboard. On the other hand, texting a friend for moral support can be achieved instantaneously. Yes, opposites do attract.
The management of change is often about building a comfort level in our environment that brings the appearance of time returning to “normal”. Where anxiety and uncertainty no longer makes us yearn for the past or for tomorrow – but instead are replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and confidence where being in the “present” feels good again. Happy New Year!